The Experience
The Venture is geared towards girls ages 13-15. It is a 8-day experience in the mountains with 8 girls and 3 leaders.
This is no ordinary stay in the mountains. There will be hiking and team activities. Plan to be stretched beyond yourself.
Each day, a girl will be chosen to be the leader for the day. Some of the leader responsibilities will include:
- Following any directions given to you by the Team
- Helping to prepare meals
- Responsible to lead the rest of the girls on whatever activities are planned for that day
We will be staying in rustic cabins with no air conditioning or heating. We will be spending the majority of our time outdoors and cooking over an open fire.
The Venture is not intended to be fun, though there will be good times and laughter along the way. It’s a time with no distractions and a time to focus on yourself, Father God, and relationships. A time to dig deep and ask hard questions of yourself, and who God called you to be. If you truly desire more of God in your life, then please come join us!
What you take away and your experience on The Venture is ultimately determined by your attitude. Each person will take away different things they have learned and what really spoke to them the most. We pray that God radically changes your life and you walk in the fullness God has created you for.